Ready to use as Driveable Pawn (Check the Overview video for detailed info)
Driveable Space Scientific Rover pawn:
- Control are set up
- Complex suspension
- Front/Rear lights control (color/power)
- Body emissive control (color/power)
- Customizable materials (see Overview video)
- 3 Wheel types
- 4K Textures (PBR)
- Sound
- Acceleration
- Wheeling (R/L)
- Turn ON/OFF Front Lights
- Handbrake
- Camera changing
*Renders created in Quixel Environment. Not included in asset.
Technical Details
Animated: (No)
Number of characters: 1
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 18
Number of Space Scientific Rover Material Slots : 11
Number of Space Scientific Rover Wheel Materials : 3
Number of Space Scientific Rover Meshes : 1
Number of Space Scientific Rover Wheel Meshes : 3
Number of Textures: 44
Texture Resolutions: (4K)
Number of Space Scientific Rover Triangles: 310K
Number of Space Scientific Rover Whell Triangles: 20K-38K
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)