This pack tries to make your life easier when you start your own project, with all effects you need for the beginning of your development and prototyping. This mega pack include new particles and two packs of Realistic Starter VFX Pack reworked in Niagara System!
Type of VFX: Blood, Environment, Explosion, Fire, Molotov, Flamethrower, Destruction, Impact, Smoke, Steam, Sparks, Water, Fish, Bubbles, Flare, MuzzleFlash, Shoot, Tornado, Lightning, Snow, Rain, Dust, Acid, Lava, Electric.
The pack includes:
- Number of Unique Effects: 148
- Number of Materials: 97
- Number of Textures: 93
- Number of Blueprints: 1
- Number of Unique Meshes: 12
Other assets:
- Realistic Starter VFX Pack (Cascade)
- Realistic Starter VFX Pack v2 (Cascade)
- Destructible Props (Cascade)
- Niagara Sci-Fi Starter VFX Pack
- All Explosions
Technical Details
List of every effect:
- Blood (8) / Gore, Splat, Splash
- Destruction (8) / Building, Ceramic, Concrete, Electric, Glass, Metal, Wood
- Environment (18) / Butterfly, Dandelion, Dust, Falling_Dust, Fish, Fog, Insects, Leaves, Rain, Snow, Tornado, Lightning
- Explosion (16) / Big, C4, Color Smoke, Confetti, FlashBang, Grenade, Molotov, Rocket, Sand, Side, Smoke, Small
- Fire (12) / Big, AmmoBox, Burst, Dripping, Floor, Jet, Small, Wall, Flamethrower
- Flare (5)
- Impact (24) / Acid, Asphalt, Brick, Ceramic, Concrete, Default, Ice, Leather, Paper, Rubber, Vegetation, Metal, Wood, Plastic, Rock, Sand, Snow, Water, Wood, Blood, Electric, Fabric, Glass, Grass, Metal, Mud
- MuzzleFlash (2)
- Shoot (2)
- Smoke and Steam (17)
- Sparks (20) / Embers
- Test (3) / Alignement Velocity Random, Collision Rotation, Static Mesh Disslolve
- Water (13) / Acid, Lava, WaterFall, Splash, Dripping, Bubbles
Number of Vertex Animation (VAT) Meshes: 5
Number of FlipBooks (Spriteheets): 49
Platforms Tested: PC
Documentation Included: No
Additional Notes:
For editing particle effects, you need to know the basics of Niagara System UE4.
Effects are made in Niagara!
Knowing issues in Niagara System: