About This Class
This class will help you learn how to model an interesting fantasy environment with light cages and two glowing spheres, using loop cuts, extruding, scaling, insetting, and one lately popular method, and that is geometry nodes. Then you will learn how to animate all that and get one seamless looping animation, how to adjust render settings, and how to render both vertical and horizontal videos or images.
For this class previous knowledge of Blender isn’t needed. Just download Blender, install it, open it, and you are ready to begin. We start right from the splash screen, and I will explain every step.
After going through this class you will gain confidence regarding the usage of tools for modeling, as well as an understanding of how to create seamless looping animation, and how to render beautiful images and videos. What you learn in this class, you can apply further on more complex projects and create beautiful shiny and glowing environments and seamless looping animations for your posts on social networks or your clients.