FORMAT:3ds max(Forestpack+VR+CR+FS)+GrowFX
This Bundle 13 includes 11 most common grass species used for lawns, gardens, parks, nature strips etc… with 171 unique models that come with many forms that can be used for many of your scenes. With MESH, BLENDER, C4D and SKETCHUP format you only need to drag and drop and ready to render, with GrowFX format, you gain maximum flexibility to edit the plants as much as you like.
List of Species:
- Axonopus Compressus – Broadleaf Carpetgrass
- Chrysopogon Aciculatus – Lesser Spear Grass
- Cynodon Dactylon – Bermuda Grass
- Eremochloa Ophiuroides – Centipede Grass
- Festuca Rubra – Creeping Red Fescue
- Paspalum Notatum – Bahia Grass
- Paspalum Vaginatum – Seashore Paspalum Grass
- Pennisetum Clandestinum – Kikuyu Grass
- Stenotaphrum Secundatum – St. Augustine Grass
- Zoysia Japonica – Zoysia Grass
- Zoysia Tenuifolia – Mascarene Grass