Globe Plants Bundle 11 Desert Garden(GrowFX Version By Default)

$49.00$79.00 ( 49 Credits - 79 Credits )

FORMAT:3ds max(Forestpack+VR+CR+FS)+GrowFX

Use credits that never expire to get things at a low cost,including high-quality 3d models,cut out 2d people and plants,scanned PBR textures and material…etc

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FORMAT:3ds max(Forestpack+VR+CR+FS)+GrowFX

This Bundle 11 includes 15 common succulent and decorative plants specifically  desert garden, rocky area and landscaping purposes with 104 unique models that come with many forms that can be used for many of your scenes. With MESH, BLENDER, C4D and SKETCHUP format you only need to drag and drop and ready to render, with GrowFX format, you gain maximum flexibility to edit the plants as much as you like.

List of Species:

  1. Agave angustifolia
  2. Agave attenuata
  3. Agave stricta
  4. Aloe barbadensis
  5. Aloe pillansii
  6. Beaucarnea recurvata
  7. Dasylirion texanum
  8. Euphorbia rigida
  9. Euphorbia tirucalli
  10. Euphorbia trigona
  11. Hesperaloe parviflora
  12. Pachypodium geayi
  13. Senecio mandraliscae
  14. Yucca brevifolia
  15. Yucca thompsoniana

Additional information


Growfx+Mesh, Mesh