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Discover how Patrick creates a blueberry bush asset with high quality results and optimization in mind. Known for his expertise in creating vegetation, Patrick has collaborated with Levelup.Digital to share his workflow and personal techniques.
In this fully narrated, step-by-step tutorial, Patrick breaks down his approach into several easy to follow along stages – reference analysis, blockout, high poly, texturing, low poly, and final presentation. Gain insight into Patrick’s 3D modeling and texturing pipeline for vegetation creation and incorporate it into your own workflow.
Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced professional, get ready to be inspired by Patrick’s tutorial.
About the Instructor
Patrick’s career began at Crytek, where he contributed to projects such as Crysis 3, Ryse: Son of Rome, and others. In 2015 he joined DICE in Stockholm, Sweden to work on the visually acclaimed Star Wars: Battlefront. After completing Battlefront 2, he moved back to Germany for the ambitious Star Citizen at Cloud Imperium Games – building procedural content like planets, caves, and materials. Patrick specializes in natural environments including foliage, and shares his knowledge on various platforms like 80.lvl or 3D Artist Magazine.