BBB3VIZ – Haussmann Parisian Interior (Vray)

49 Credits

Format:3Ds Max (Vray)

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Detailed model of a Parisian apartment interior of the 19th century Haussmann era.

Textured and shaded for V-Ray (2.4). Ready to use.

Photorealistic output. The preview images are raw renders and were not corrected in post productions.

Real-World scale (cm): Just drop your models in the scene and render.

Includes two antique fireplace models worth $78 and a full, highly detailed kitchen model.

Render settings aimed to achieve high-quality renders in relatively short time. You can switch to ‘brute force’ GI settings for higher quality renders at the expense of longer render times.

In order to render properly, the scene requires the free ‘MultiTexture’ plugin by cg-source and Jerry Ylilammi. All the individual plank textures in the archive should be loaded in the ‘MultiTexture’ in the ‘Parquet’ material.

The beauty renders in the thumbnails were rendered at 1200×1200 pixels in 1 to 1h30 hours each on a single HP Z820 workstation. This is a large, complex scene of more than 2 million polygons. Make sure your computer has the required processing power and at least 10GB of RAM before buying.