Plugin that will help you to quickly setup spawners for your Actors and easily optimize them.
Usable for both smaller and larger worlds.
Designed mainly to optimize AI Agents, but can be used with any other Actor.
Technical Details
- Includes 2 components for Invoker ( player ) & Subject ( AI ) with configuration settings and System that does all the calculations
- Includes customizable ActorsSpawner implemented in Blueprints which allows to quickly setup AI Camps
- Customizable optimization layers based on radius to Invoker ( player )
- Customizable optimization based on sight cone of Invoker ( player )
- Optional automated spawn/despawn of Subjects ( AI )
- Optional queued spawn/despawn of Subjects to not cause any hitches
- Thousands of AI Agents with stable FPS
- Includes Debug Mode
- Doesn’t require knowledge of C++ to use
- All required logic is exposed to Blueprints
- Easy to implement in your game
- Supports Multiplayer
Code Modules:
- AIOptimizer (Runtime)