The Sparse Grid Plugin is a high-performance spatial sorting system for Unreal Engine 4, allowing developers to perform ultra-fast queries for objects without the need to use collision tests or iterators.
The plugin quickly and seamlessly integrates into any C++ or BP project. Use the editor tool to define the play-area of your level (or update it on-the-fly), and add the Sparse Grid Component to any object you wish to register with the system. It’s as easy as that!
You can then use the built-in search queries (or create your own), to query those objects very quickly. The system is fully exposed to blueprint, so no C++ knowledge is required to implement.
Common Use-Cases Include:
- AI bot searching for an enemy.
- Swarms of homing projectiles searching for targets individually.
- A radar pinging local objects.
- Applying damage to a wide range of objects.
- Testing against players for local-area VOIP.
- And so on…
Greatly Benefits the following:
- Games with large/open worlds.
- Games with high density/number of actors (RTS, Battle Royale etc.)
- Games with complex or large numbers of AI.
- Games requiring unique or highly modified collision settings.
Technical Details
- Written entirely in C++
- Neatly exposed to Blueprints
- Built for performance and flexibility. Sorting and searching is extremely fast and transparent, requires no network bandwidth and memory allocation/deallocation can be carefully tailored to suit each level.
- Seamless support for Multiplayer, World Composition and Level Streaming.
- Five built-in search queries (Sphere, Capsule, Box, AABB, Cone)
- Exposed methods allows you to easily build your own search queries in C++ and BP, and benefit from the grids performance.
- Extendable API and full source code.
- Fully documented code.
- Full support for UE4 profiling tools and includes several custom debugging/monitoring tools, such as heat-mapping.
- Available for 4.18 and above.
Code Modules:
- ST_SparseGrid (Runtime – 6 Classes)
- ST_SparseGridEditor (Editor – 10 Classes)
- Sparse Grid Runtime Components
- Sparse Grid Editor & Debugging Tools
- Sparse Grid Blueprint Macro Library
- Sparse Grid Blueprint Function Library
- Documentation –