Pack contains 105, seamless high quality PBR ground textures (albedo, normal, displacment, occlusion, roughness at albedo alpha channel). This perfect tilled textures are usefull for every ground shader. High resolution 2048×2048 guarantee good quality, textures also look perfect at lower resolutions too. Pack also contain 21 tesselled materials with LODs and 3 adjustable, LODed, tesseled landscape materials with 4 to 8 layers, Materials are also adjustable to any layer count, easy and clear construction give you ability to reduce or increase the number of layers in few min (simple coppy and paste). Landscape materials have instances in which you could setup each layer separately and in it such things as: tesselation distance, tesselation blending
All textures (without heightmap) you could check here.
Technical Details
• 21 albedo with roughness in alpha channel 2048×2048
• 21 occlusion 2048×2048
• 21 normal maps 2048×2048
• 21 height maps 2048×2048(105 textures)Materials:
• 21 tesselled materials
• 3 tesselled adjustable landscape material
• 3 tesselled adjustable landscape material instances with 4,5,8 texture layersPhysically-Based Rendering: Yes
Texture Size:All textures are 2048
Collision: No
Vertex Count: No
LODs: Yes
Number of Meshes: None
Number of Materials and Material Instances: 24 tesselled materials and 3 instances
Number of Textures: 84 (105 with roughness at albedo alpha channel)
Intended Platform: All
Platforms Tested: All
Documentation Included: No
ImportantAdditional Notes: Roughness map is saved at albedo alpha channel. For landscape please use material instances.